Historically, The House System was established in boarding schools in British Commonwealth countries. Even when boarding schools decreased in availability, the house system continued to flourish and can now be found in schools and colleges across the world.
As a classical school, Coram Deo Academy chose the House System, established in 2007, as its form of student government to create opportunities for student leadership and inter-grade relationships within each house. Houses cooperate with one another in service projects and chapels, while competing against each other in areas of academics and athletics. CDA trains students to be ethical servant-leaders and wise thinkers who will shape culture for the glory of God. The House System is one of a practical ways the school’s mission statement is put into daily use.
New high school students and 8th grade students are inducted into their House during a spring ceremony. Students meet with their Houses and faculty leaders during a period set aside for this activity. See your campus House page for more details about the house system and student leadership opportunities.