As wise thinkers, CDA graduates love learning, reason wisely, and utilize the tools of learning, thinking, and expressing.
- They embrace challenging subjects and topics
- They exhibit excellence in academic pursuits
- They pursue learning and truth throughout their lifetime
- They read carefully and critically
- They delight in the written and spoken word
- They spend some of their leisure time actively pursuing the liberal arts and attending to the fine arts
- They listen carefully and discerningly
- They think clearly, precisely, and creatively
- They embody and practice Christian discernment
- They understand the relationship between faith and learning
- They evaluate worldly wisdom and truth according to biblical wisdom
- They view every subject as integrated in and through Christ
- They write and speak articulately, eloquently, and persuasively
- They are versed in the rich tradition of the liberal arts in order to think critically and clearly about all of life
- They employ the tools contained within the liberal arts and sciences
- They participate in the “Great Conversation” through familiarity with the “Great Books”
- They understand the progression of Western thought through the study of theology, philosophy, and literature