Application Process

List of 8 items.

Curriculum and Testing

List of 5 items.

  • Where can I find your book list?

    You may preview our current year book list at an admissions event.  New school year book lists (with specific ISBN numbers for purchasing) will be made available to enrolled families in July. Summer reading book lists come out in May.
  • Why do CDA students take Latin starting in third grade? Is Latin mandatory for upper school students?

    Latin is a linchpin in classical education. This ancient language is foundational for English language; it builds vocabulary and the study of its grammatical structure is sort of "gymnastics for the brain"! Here are Top 10 Reasons why the study of Latin is important.

    Pre-Latin begins in 3rd grade and the normal track is for students to complete Latin I, a CDA graduation requirement, by eighth grade. In high school, students have the option of continuing with Latin or taking Spanish I and II.
  • CDA students have been taking Latin since third grade. How will my child catch up?

    We have new students coming every year and most of them haven’t had Latin. Fourth and fifth graders receive enough review and repetition in the regular classroom that new students are able to catch up. For students entering grades 6 and above, a week of Summer Latin Camp helps orient new students before the start of school.

    Because Latin I is a CDA graduation requirement, the class often is offered on Fridays to facilitate scheduling for new Rhetoric School students.
  • If I don’t know Latin, how will I help my child?

    Most of the parents at our school don’t know Latin either! All the teaching is done at school. If your child has questions, they can ask the teacher. After school or Friday Latin labs may be available at your respective campus.
  • What standardized tests do you use for current students? Do you “teach to the test” for your annual standardized testing of current students?

    Our robust curriculum and students’ hard work are reflected in higher than average test scores. We do not "teach to the test" but rather focus on mastery of the material.

    Standardized tests are used partially as a verification tool of our curriculum and instructional methods. Test results are provided to parents to give insight into how their child compares to student peers nationally. 

    For more information regarding the standardized tests by grade and the reports available, please see our Testing Summary

Transition / Managing the home Day

List of 5 items.

  • My child is entering CDA from a public/private/homeschool background. How will he transition to a model like CDA?

    We have new students every year. Most of our incoming students have not come from a University-Model® School or a classical education background.

    Each campus has programs to help new families acclimate to Coram Deo Academy and connect with a 'mentor' family if desired. New Parent Coffees (in May/June) and additional sessions during August Orientations also equip new families. We all were a new family at one point! Our families are friendly and happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • I don’t have a teaching background. As a parent, how will I be able to help my child be successful with this educational model?

    Most of our parents do not have education degrees! Selection of curriculum, teaching new concepts and assessments are all provided by professional educators.  On home days, parents provide age-appropriate supervision and help the student stay on task with assignments, study for assessments and prepare for speeches, debates, etc. 
  • I have younger children at home. How do I make this collaborative model work?

    You are not alone! Many families here have children at home who are not yet school age. Families have handled this in various ways over the years. Many of our younger siblings enjoy “school time” with their older CDA siblings and imitate their behavior. We have a parent support group run by CDA parent volunteers who are available to help guide you throughout your first school year.
  • When is orientation and is it mandatory?

    Your Orientation Day is during the week before the start of school. The exact day will be communicated to you by your school principal. Due to the importance of the information provided and the nature of the collaborative model, orientation is mandatory.
  • How do I prepare over the summer for the new school year?

    There are several things that you will need to do over the summer:
    1. Order books and uniforms
    2. Complete summer reading
    3. Attend Latin Summer Camp (for grades 6+ only)
    4. Participate in athletic and fine arts camps if desired
    5. Attend your orientation day (week before school starts)
    6. Attend online CDA Connect Training (available in August)
    More information will be provided on each of these topics as soon as your student is enrolled.


List of 5 items.

Additional questions? Please contact the admission coordinator at the campus nearest you. 

Admissions Staff

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Joda Crow

    Mrs. Joda Crow 

    Collin County Admissions Coordinator
    (972) 675-7317
  • Photo of Rhonda Hillner

    Mrs. Rhonda Hillner 

    Dallas Admissions Coordinator
    (972)-385-6410 ext 3804
  • Photo of Jennifer Musgrove

    Mrs. Jennifer Musgrove 

    Flower Mound Admissions Coordinator
  • Photo of Barbara Rogers

    Mrs. Barbara Rogers 

    Director of Admissions
    (972) 268-9434


For additional information contact: