Meet our 2024 Valedictorian - Ianna Chan

Elizabeth Rogers
CDA Flower Mound Class of 2024 Valedictorian
Ianna I-An Chan

College Attending: Hillsdale College

Activities: House President, Senior Council, Speech, Debate, Poetry & Prose, accomplished pianist, played in the CDA Jazz Band, Choir, figure skater, Junior Leadership and Service League. Ran a small business selling digital art, logos and hand-made goods.
Teacher Comments:
"Ianna is a thoughtful self-starter who uses her energy to benefit her team members. She never shies away from a challenge and is ready to try new things."
-Rachael Sutcliffe
"Driven. Determined. Dedicated. These three adjectives beautifully capture the character traits Ianna Chan has embodied throughout her high school years. Ianna's relentless pursuit of what is true, good, and beautiful sets her on a path for greatness and inspires those who are willing to go with her."
 -Shelley Connell
Ianna's Words:
“Education at Coram Deo showed how even seemingly disparate topics are united by a shared purpose. Coram Deo fuses subjects, instead of treating knowledge like fragmented parts, into a comprehensive understanding of the world. It is God who connects these subjects and establishes an overall purpose for education. Hence, the most crucial thing I have retained from my education at Coram Deo is that the pursuit of anything is ultimately the purposeful pursuit of God.


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