Welcome New Dallas Students

 Dallas campus summer office hours:

campus will be open and staff available in person
Monday – Tuesday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

staff available by phone or email
Monday – Tuesday, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Monday – Tuesday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Enrollment Steps Continued...

List of 3 items.

  • Enrollment Steps 1 and 2

    Enrollment Step 1 (Enroll Online) and Step 2 (Set Up Your Tuition Management Account) can be reviewed here.
  • 3. Sign Up for Athletic Summer Camps & School Year Athletics

    Coram Deo Academy’s commitment to the continued development of students extends beyond the home and classroom. Our athletic programs are used as a platform to assist in the development of character and integrity in our students. These traits are encouraged and developed in a safe environment with like-minded coaches who support parental authority. CDA offers a variety of athletics, beginning in 4th grade. Please register for summer athletic camps and school year athletics here.
    5-day students only: Although school-year athletics and electives are included in your child’s five-day program tuition, you must indicate course selections by registering for electives from your family login once your child is enrolled (please note, five-day tuition excludes summer electives and special electives like the college tour).
    Athletics questions?
    Drew Lott
    Registration questions?
    Ria Smith
    972-385-6410 ext. 3801
  • 4. Register for Academic Summer Camps and School Year Electives

    Coram Deo Academy’s elective program is an excellent way to enrich your child’s classical education. We offer a variety of classes that are designed to promote a well-trained mind and augment coursework. You may sign up for school year electives and summer academic camps here after enrollment has been completed.
    Latin Summer camp and Friday Latin I
    If Latin Camp is recommended for your new CDA student (entering 6th grade and up) , and/or Friday Latin I is required for your new CDA student (entering 8th grade and up), now is the time to register through your family login here! If you are not sure if your student is recommended for Latin camp or required to take Latin I, please contact your Dallas Admissions Coordinator, Rhonda Hillner.
    Latin camp prepares new 6th and 7th grade students with little or no prior Latin instruction to join their classmates in their grade level Latin class. Following the normal sequence of core classes, they will earn the Latin I credit they will need for graduation.
    Latin camp prepares new students entering grades 8 and up to attend Friday Latin I class, to earn the Latin I credit they will need for graduation. If Friday Latin I is required for your student, please be sure to register now for Latin I as an elective through your family login here.
    Additional information on Latin camp, including locations, dates and times, can be found here.
    Registration questions?
    Ria Smith
    972-385-6410 ext. 3801
    Is my (6th grade and up) student recommended for Latin Camp?
    Is my (8th grade and up) student required to take Friday Latin I?
    (972)-385-6410 ext 3804


List of 3 items.

  • 1. Set up CDA Connect Account

    Beginning in April, within one to two weeks after enrolling, you should receive a welcome message from CDA Connect Support with login information and an introductory video about this online assignments/resource system. Additional training in CDA Connect will be available in August (see “Attend CDA Connect Training” section under the “August” tab below). 
    CDA Connect questions?
  • 2. Order Summer Reading Books

    Reading is a great source of knowledge and delight as well as a cultivator of imaginations, ideas, and rich vocabularies. If there is one golden key to future academic success it is the love and practice of reading. CDA’s summer reading program is designed to build fundamental reading skills as well as delight in good books.

    CDA's Grade-level specific summer reading lists are now available! They can be found by logging in to CDA connect here where you will find the summer reading list under the Resources tab in the Book and Supply Lists section.

    Summer reading is required. In the first few weeks of school, assignments may be tied to summer reading.
    For your convenience, CDA has established a partnership with BNC to create a virtual bookstore, which will open during the first week of June. You are free to purchase books and materials from any marketplace, but we partner with BNC for your convenience, and to ensure accuracy. Using BNC, you can shop with confidence knowing all ISBN’s are those listed on the CDA Book List. BNC offers new and used books, with some available for rent. Please note some class materials are not available through BNC, and must be purchased elsewhere.
  • 3. Attend New Parent Coffee

    You will soon receive an invitation to our New Parent Coffee, which is intended just for you – our new parents! Mark your calendars for the New Parent Coffee for new Dallas campus families on May 2 at 9:30 am. At this coffee, we will provide you with the tools you need for a successful transition to CDA. We look forward to seeing you there!

    New Parent Coffee questions?

    Rhonda Hillner
    (972)-385-6410 ext 3804


List of 6 items.

  • 1. Order School Year Textbooks

    The 2024-2025 Booklists are now available and can be found on CDA Connect (once your account is established) by selecting “Book and Supply Lists” from the Resources menu.

    Please pay careful attention to ISBNs and consumable items that must be purchased new. 
    For your convenience, we have continued our partnership with BNC to create a virtual bookstore. This site lists the books for each grade level in one location which makes purchasing curriculum simple and ensures accuracy. They offer new and used books, with some available for rent. There is an option available to have BNC buy back books at a guaranteed price at the end of the year. Because of our partnership with BNC, CDA receives a percentage of the sales which are used to purchase needed teacher and classroom resources.
    BNC requires parents to enter a Student ID when ordering materials, in compliance with the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). Your Student ID is listed in the Student Information section on the Family Login.
    Please note some class materials are not available through BNC and must be purchased elsewhere.
  • 2. Attend Used Uniform and Book Sale

    Each summer we provide an opportunity for parents to sell the books and uniforms that they no longer need to other parents who need them! The Used Uniform and Book Sale at the Dallas campus is scheduled for June 12th from 10-11:30 am. Please look for more information coming this spring about this event.

    Used Uniform and Book Sale questions?
    Kristen Hansen 

  • 3. Attend Latin Camp (Grade 6 and above)

    Latin Camp is for new CDA students entering grades 6 and up, if recommended. If you are not sure if your student is recommended to take Latin camp, please contact your Dallas Admissions Coordinator, Rhonda Hillner. If Latin Camp is recommended for your student, please be sure to register for Latin Camp as an elective through your family login here.
    Latin camp prepares new 6th and 7th grade students to join their classmates in their grade level Latin class. Following the normal sequence of classes, they will earn the Latin I credit they will need for graduation.
    Latin camp prepares new students entering grades 8 and up to attend Friday Latin I class, to earn the Latin I credit they will need for graduation. If Friday Latin I is required for your student, please be sure to register for Latin I as an elective through your family login here.

    Additional information on Latin camp, including locations, dates and times, can be found here.
    Registration questions?
    Ria Smith
    972-385-6410 ext. 3801

    Is my (6th grade and up) student recommended for Latin Camp?
    Is my (8th grade and up) student required to take Friday Latin I?
    Rhonda Hillner
    (972)-385-6410 ext 3804

  • 4. Order Uniforms

    All uniform components (tops and bottoms, outer wear worn inside the building) must be Lands’ End brand. Every article of clothing above the waist worn inside the building (shirts, sweaters, vests, and jackets) must be embroidered with the Coram Deo Academy logo.

    New uniforms components may be ordered directly from Lands’ End here. CDA's school number is 900054727. Our school location is associated with CDA’s Administrative Offices in the city of Lewisville; Lands’ End does not have separate entries for the various campuses.
    The complete uniform policy can be found under Dress Code and Standard of Appearance section of the Reference Manual for Parents and Students here.
    Uniform Questions?
    Lands’ End
  • 5. Order Spirit Wear (Optional)

    Approved Spirit Wear can be worn on campus on designated Spirit days as an alternative to uniform shirts. You can order Dallas campus approved Spirit Wear here.

    Maci Wilson
  • 6. Order Supplies

    Grade-specific supply lists are posted in CDA Connect under the Resources tab in the Book and Supply Lists section.


List of 3 items.

  • 1. Attend CDA Connect Training

    Training webinars for CDA’s assignments/resource system for Parents and Students will be offered in August. In mid-July you will receive an invitation to these sessions that will include connection information. The dates and times are coming soon and will be listed here when available.
  • 2. Attend Mandatory Parent Orientation

    Parent orientations are a vital part of our collaborative model between the school and the family. These mandatory meetings, held the week before school starts, are the best opportunity for teachers to explain the details of how the collaboration model will work for their particular class and students. Orientation is attended by returning families as well as new families and are an important part of a successful start to the new school year.
    Orientations for the 2024-2025 school year are scheduled for August 7-9, 12, 13. Parents and/or students (depending on grade level) attend for part of one day for each student.

    You will receive more details from your campus leadership as the time draws closer.
  • 3. First Day of School

    For Monday/Wednesday and 5-day students, school begins on August 14.
    For Tuesday/Thursday students, school begins on August 15.


List of 3 items.

  • Labor Day

    September 2 - campuses closed, no classes
    September 3 - campuses open, no classes

    A note about Monday school holidays: In order to keep our M/W and T/Th classes synchronized, when there is a Monday school holiday, campuses will be closed and classes will not be held. On the following day (Tuesday), campuses will be open and there may be activities on campus, but classes will not be held.
  • Fall Break

    October 18, 21, 22 – campuses closed, no classes
  • For Additional Dates See the Dallas Calendar Below

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Rhonda Hillner

    Mrs. Rhonda Hillner 

    Dallas Admissions Coordinator
    (972)-385-6410 ext 3804
  • Photo of Barbara Rogers

    Mrs. Barbara Rogers 

    Director of Admissions
    (972) 268-9434
  • Photo of Jan Geist

    Mrs. Jan Geist 

    District Admissions Manager
    (972) 691-5648 ext 4830


For additional information contact: